When “Love” Hurts You-That’s Not Love
God allowed the pain, not to break you, but to set you free. Free from torment, from the lies, the scheming behind your back, freedom from their hatred, from their slandering accusations and words, freedom from being an emotional punching and physical punching bag.
If you don’t know what to thank Him for in this, start with thanking Him for that. Don’t go back to what broke you. Proverbs 26:11 says, “As a dog returns to it’s vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.” How many times have we done this? I for one have been that same person, who always went back to relationships that were not good for me, and I always paid the price for it later. That’s why I had to learn the hard way to let people go no matter how much I loved them. Sometimes it must take you getting sick of the pain, sick of feeling that bad, sick of hurting or being afraid before we finally listen to God and stop entertaining what was trying to destroy us.
There comes a point and time you must realize that sometimes they only come back to bring more pain. They only come back to see if they still have a place in your life. They only come back to see your pain or finish destroying you.
If you don’t listen to God in this, you will regret it later because it’s not going to end well. Pray He gives you the strength to leave. Pray He changes your feelings for them, so you no longer want to be with them. Pray He opens your eyes so you will see them and the situation as He does. Then once you are away, God can help you work on your healing, then you can be intercessors for them in prayer for their healing.
When you keep hanging onto people who God is showing you are not good for you, then you are enabling them to keep hurting you. God doesn’t want that for you, and He doesn’t want that for them either. Sometimes loving people is truly and full heartedly letting them go. And when you let go of someone you love, you are placing them from your hands into God’s hands. And who better to help them than God? Not you. Not me. Sometimes only God can do that. But you must get out of His way. Trust Him to do what you can’t.